Goals for the New Year 2015

Sewing Goals:

1.  Finish at least two partially finished quilts. (see Instagram for photos)
2.  Make at least 5 new doll clothes sewing patterns.  I have sketches for about 20 ideas     right now.
3.  Make at least 3 knitting patterns for dolls. (3/15--one published, one in progress)
4.  Finish at least two unfinished projects. (finished napkins, pin cushion)
5.  Update previously published patterns so that all have digitized pattern pieces.
6.  Make the top for the bird quilt (tutorial found here).
7.  Make bedding and quilt for doll bed.
8.  Make and list doll clothing on a more regular basis.

General Goals:

1.  Organize recipes in a better way.
2.  Finish (strip and repaint) dressing table & mirror for daughter's room.
3.  Take better care of the flower garden.
4.  Reorganize the office closet--okay, the entire office.
5.  Keep a better cleaning schedule.
6.  Fill all nail holes in trim.
7.  Learn Photoshop.
8.  Exercise more.

Christmas Project

Whatever virus I caught ended up lasting a good six weeks and I just didn't really feel like doing much. Plus I was working a ton of extra hours at my day job which made me feel like doing even less at home.  I did complete a project that had been in my UFO pile for probably four years, finishing the day before we were set to travel home.  Usually I am sewing in the car or at our parents' homes, so actually finishing before we left home was a huge improvement! 

I bought the pattern for these angels at a quilt show in either Virginia or Pennsylvania (can't remember). I also bought a few of the painted heads at the same time.  I found more of the heads a year or two later. I made one for my mom, mother-in-law, sister, sister-in-law, and also one for myself.

Here are all five ornaments.  Hasty, not great picture before wrapping.

Here is mine.  It looks much nicer hanging up!
Yay!  Another UFO completed!

Funny Things #8

Oops.  Ha ha.  Seen in Indiana.  We actually turned around and drove back to get the picture.

A Lost Month

I've been sick for a month.  I've gotten nothing done.

Here is my sole completed project during the last month--hemming eight napkins.  On the plus side, these have been cut out and stuck in my to-do pile forever, so at least there's one less project in the UFO pile.