Harry Potter Inspired Trunk for American Girl Dolls

My husband and I made a doll-sized trunk full of goodies inspired by Harry Potter as a gift for our daughter.  We purchased an unfinished trunk at Michael's.  My husband spray-painted it a textured blackish color to make it look old.  We found a package of tissue paper at Michael's and used Mod Podge to attach it to the inside of the trunk.

I searched the internet to find things that might be found in a Hogwarts student's trunk.  While this is definitely a work in progress (I ran out of time before the gift was due), I am sharing here what I did get finished.

First up:  a Maurader's Map.  This one is from BrittaBlvd.  I felt that it was a proper scale for a doll as it was, so I did not make any changes.  I had it printed at Staples on parchment paper and followed the instructions from BrittaBlvd on how to fold it.

Next is a set of admittance papers and a train ticket. I printed the letters and envelope as directed.  The admittance papers can be found here.  The train ticket was resized to a size I felt looked okay.  The original is here.  Again, these were printed at Staples--the papers on parchment and the ticket just on card stock.

What student wouldn't have a copy of the Quibbler?  I found this completely AWESOME set of images.  I resized them to a size I felt would be appropriate and had them printed on card stock at Staples.  My photos simply do not do justice to the quality of these images.  Be sure to check out the artist's other reproductions and graphics.  They are truly amazing.

Here is the Quibbler assembled.  I used double-sided tape to hold the pages together and then stapled the spine.

 Here are some cover images of the Daily Prophet from the same artist.

I commissioned some chocolate frogs from Teresa at Pippaloo.  I highly recommend Pippaloo faux food for your dolls.  Teresa is incredibly talented!  Anyway, I then printed some chocolate frog boxes from this site.  There were 10 choices (including one customizable). I chose Harry Potter, Dumbledore, and Snape for ours.  I ended up having them printed at Staples in a 4 x 6 size, but I probably could have gone a little smaller to fit the frogs better.

I found a Bertie Bott's Every Flavour Beans box template.  We shrunk it down quite a bit and had our friendly Staples copy center girl print it on card stock for us.  I cut out the holes and lined the inside of it with cellophane.  I made my own beans using polymer clay.  I'm no Pippaloo!  My quality control was way off. But I'll show you what I made anyway.
Hmm…I think I assembled the bottom of the box incorrectly.
I did put finish on the beans after I took this picture.

Finally, I simply HAD to make a pygmy puff.  My daughter is totally in love with them.  I started with a 1.5" pink pom pom purchased in a package from Hobby Lobby.  I then sewed two black beads on for eyes.  My very talented husband made a little cage two days before Christmas in order to complete the project.  He painted it gold since the daughter loves anything golden!  The cage door even opens.  How cool is that!

We also have a doll-sized wand we purchased on Etsy.  I am making a Hogwarts uniform for the doll as well.  I plan to add in books, a quill, and a time turner later.  What else should I include?


  1. Hi I was wondering if you still had a file for this? The guy who runs the Deviant Art page that they are on. Looks like he hasn't logged on in a very long time. I need them for a costume. And this seems like the only images I can find.

    1. I don't have a file; sorry. As far as I can see, the images are all still on the pages where I found them.

    2. Você tem o arquivo do Pasquim pra baixar?

  2. You would get along so well with one of my sisters. She has been buying AG dolls and building a very large dollhouse for her grand daughter. She has made a lot of the contents. She staked a claim to all my empty thread cones. Going to send her your way to view some of your creations.

  3. Podrías compartirme el formato para descargar la revista y periódicos? Te lo agradecería muchísimo 🙏🏻
