I finished my Board & Batten top! I have backing picked out, but I haven't found the right quilting design yet. Suggestions welcomed. 🙂
I spent some time prepping HST for the remaining three wedding ring blocks I need to make for the Loves Me, Loves Me Not QAL.
I have started assembling my Melodic Mystery quilt too. I like how the colors are coming together.
I'm also working on my OMG, which was to get binding onto the fronts of three quilts. I have one complete and I started working on the second one, #Trending, yesterday. I didn't think the bottom looked square after I had squared my quilt, so I used my wall and a bunch of rulers to make sure. {It wasn't quite square and I trimmed off the offending bit prior to this picture.}
Of course I've been quilting too. I quilted Loop the Loop on Margaret's quilt. I thought it looked kind of like loops of thread to go with those little sewing figures on the cream fabric.
Marilyn chose Ginger Snap for this Pivot quilt. I picked Glide thread in Sand.
We went with Stardust on this Paperdrop quilt. I used Glide thread in Key Lime.
I spent Saturday watching our robotics tournament on livestream (more on that below) and worked on binding Haley's quilt. She had some ric rac trim that came with her kit that she wanted under the binding. I watched Lori Holt's video to learn her technique and went for it. I think it was okay, but I guess I'll see how it looks after Haley stitches her binding to the back of her quilt.
Next up is Mary Ann's quilt. She picked Radiance for the quilting. It's kinda hard to see. This was a mystery quilt from one of the local quilt shops. I'll be quilting Amber's version of the pattern today!
And one more from Mary Ann, quilted with Ground Cover. Ground Cover works well to ease in fullness. Thread color here is Glide Butterscotch.

Back to robotics. The boys were in third place after the robot qualifying rounds, which meant they got to move to the alliance round. They were runner up in the tournament for the robot. FTC has a fairly complex scoring/advancement protocol. The top scoring robots don't always make it to the next level of competition. This year, they took six teams--all four teams from the final round of alliance matches plus the two teams who won first place in the Think and Inspire awards. Our boys won the Innovate Award sponsored by Raytheon. I was proud on their behalf because that award recognizes all the engineering processes the boys learned and used (some include Finite Element Analysis, modeling in Solidworks, and completing a Trade Study). As awesome as that award is, it does not generally advance you to the state tournament, so it's good that their robot performed well as they claimed the fifth of six spots to advance. So next weekend they get to compete in their first state tournament for FTC! Also, it's a good thing I didn't try to go to QuiltCon this year, because I have to turn in my IHQS quilts on that Saturday and it's tourney day.
And finally, a chicken story. Actually, two chicken stories. The first one is from Saturday. The men were at the robotics tournament and my daughter had to work. She couldn't get the switch for the coop heater to turn on because it was frozen. So I waited a while and then went out around 9 to try my luck at it. I was scraping off frost with my nails and it still wasn't switching, so I cupped it in my hands and eventually got it thawed enough to turn on. Meanwhile, the chickens came running to the back to see what I was doing.
I'll spare you the video I took, but Smoky decided that me standing there meant he had to crow loudly and repeatedly until I moved away from the coop.
The other story regards eggs. None of the hens use the nesting boxes, ever. One lays her eggs around wherever Henry is sitting in the coop, one always lays right in the door opening, and the other lays in random spots. We checked Sunday afternoon to see if there were any eggs and found this:
Right in Henry's food bowl! 🤣😂
I'll be quilting, prepping my two quilts for the IHQS, and finishing up my OMG bindings this week. Stop by next Wednesday, or any day from then until the end of the month, to link up your finished OMG.
Linking with For the Love of Geese, My Quilt Infatuation, and Confessions of a Fabric Addict.