365 Challenge Week 46

I got most of the blocks assigned this week done.  I haven't done today's yet, nor have I started assembling the dark borders.  You can only do two of the four at the moment, so I'm not in any rush.  I've been feeling lazy and somewhat apathetic towards this project.   There are 41 more days in this year, so I should have 41 or less blocks to do!  I'm looking forward to having this one done!  

There are a mix of three and six inch blocks this week.  For several of the days there were  bonus blocks.  At first I was going to make them all, but then I decided to just pick enough to get the number I needed.  So if there were miters, 16ths of an inch, or the block just looked hard, I skipped it.  I guess we now only have 6" blocks left to do, along with one more 12" corner block.

November 13--6.5"
November 14--6.5"
November 15--3.5"
November 16--3.5"
Bonus November 17--3.5"
Bonus November 18--3.5"
November 19--6.5"
November 20--6.5"

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