November Monthly Goal

My goal for November is to transform all these selvedges into something useful.  I've been collecting them for several years.  Some of them were gifted to me via the #getyourquiltywishesgranted hashtag.

I have trimmed them all to approximately 7/8" wide and will need to join them all into two skeins of "yarn".  

My goal is to at least start knitting my project by the end of the month.

Elm Street Quilts One Monthly Goal November Link-up

I've been working on a custom quilting job this week.  Here's a sneak peek.

That's all I have today.  My heart hurts today and this is the best I can do.  


  1. The knitting project sounds fun—and therapeutic. Hang in there!

  2. Our library has a quilt on the wall that looks like a book shelf. The quilter used selvedges at book titles. It's real interesting.

  3. Your custom quilting is looking amazing -- especially that mixed-design background fill and the ribbon candy quilting. I know it was nearly a week ago when you wrote that your heart was hurting, but I'm sending you virtual hugs over the Internet anyway just in case your storm clouds have lingered.
