Here is a project has been sitting around in my fabric storage area for a while. The book was published in 1999. I probably bought it around then. The book promises to take you from a beginner to an intermediate quilter. I'm pretty sure I'm already at the intermediate level, but there are some techniques used in the book that I've never attempted (English paper piecing and hexagons, an unusual appliqué method) and there are some that I've tried before but still strike fear into my heart (paper piecing! hand appliqué!).
I vaguely remember purchasing some of the fabrics when my daughter was
Here is the block (block 1 in the book) I made so long ago. I used that green with yellow circle print in the center of the block to make my daughter a shirt many years ago. I guess it was in 2003. I thought she was older, but the baby picture tells otherwise. Time sure does fly!
block 1 |
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