Constructing a Sewing Room

We are constructing a sewing room in the basement.  Everything is roughed in and it is time for me to decide on a layout and where electrical needs to go.  Oh, the pressure!  I have a general idea of a layout, but not exactly.  I wish I could use the room first and see what works and doesn't before having to commit to something.  Not gonna work that way though.  Mostly I need to figure out a desk/bookshelf/counter type thing.  

This first photo shows the view when standing in the corner nearest the door.  The long arm has to go where the roll of carpet is since that's the only place it fits.  The rosin paper rectangle in front of it is my existing (mobile) cutting station.

In this photo I'm standing in the corner from the photo above.  You can see my big fabric storage closet and a smaller one that will probably hold cleaning things and maybe some general storage stuff.
I'm standing in the same corner in this last picture, just facing a different direction.  You can see my door.  The nearest piece of rosin paper is the cutting table.  The other papers are my husband's attempts at placing my ironing table (by the door) and a desk/chair.  I'm not sold.  I HATE where he stuck the ironing station.  I don't want it in a corner hidden behind other furniture.  Not practical.
So, what would your dream set-up look like?  I would like to have my machine inset into the table, but also adjustable for when I need the free arm.  It seems to work best when there is open space to the left to support a quilt top.  I also have a serger and coverstitch machine.  I'd like a little cabinet or something to put the embroidery machine in and be able to slide it out to use on occasion (hidden the rest of the time).  I need bookcases and drawers, although I'm unsure of quantity.  It would be nice to be able to accommodate another sewing machine and person in the event someone sews with me.  I'd prefer whatever the set up is to look like furniture instead of kitchen cabinets.  

I'm open to suggestions, comments, what works and doesn't, whatever.  Help me decide!

If you're looking for quilts this week, I have added in two more finishes in my 2016 finishes tab at the top. I also made my daughter three shirts, but no pictures of those.

And here's some hummingbird pictures I took through the screened window the other day. I guess this is a juvenile male ruby throated hummingbird.  I really thought it was a female until we uploaded the pictures.

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