Quilting Up a Storm

I have been so busy quilting!  I've even squeezed in a bit of binding.

I quilted two Quilts for Kids quilts and have finished binding one.  I like making Quilts for Kids quilts when I want to try out a new quilting design.

I quilted the Caticorn quilt with the Rainbow Hearts pattern.

The rail fence quilt was quilted with a border design that I made into a pantograph (all-over pattern).  When I did this, it looked a bit like a line of fish.  I did have to add extensions to my backing on this one since it needed to be loaded sideways for the pattern to work.

Next I decided to quilt a few minis.  Do you quilt your minis with a long arm?  Most of the time I do.  As long as the backing is big enough, it works great.

The green one is called Lucky Charm.  I bought a kit from Primrose Cottage Quilts on Etsy last year.  I decided to quilt this one with a tiny Pumpkin Seed pattern.  This helped me learn how to align patterns more closely.  Next, I quilted my surprise mini quilt with a basic swirl pattern.  Why is it a surprise?  If you've been following me on Instagram, you've seen many posts lately about my Water Drop QAL.  I've mentioned it a few times here on my blog as well.  Anyway, I had some chunks of fabric left from piecing my top and decided that it would be really fun to make a mini version.  I had some 1.5" half-square triangle paper that fit my leftovers perfectly.  The rest is history.   If you've been a long-time reader, you may remember my Postcard from Sweden quilt and mini.  I like working in mini scale.

I also quilted my full-size Water Drop throw.  I didn't get as far as I had hoped this week with it since I had some other deadlines to meet.  Anyway, here is a quilted, but not bound, in-progress picture.  I quilted this one with Raindrops on Water.  I LOVE how this turned out and I can't wait to get the binding onto it and have a picture with the regular and mini versions together!

I also worked on Nancy's dragonfly quilt.  I quilted it with the Dragonfly Dance pantograph.  Isn't it pretty?

I also quilted and bound a new quilt.  This is called Northbound and the pattern is by Lindsey from Yellow Umbrella Quilts.  Lindsey released this pattern today!  I made my version using Lella Boutique's Gooseberry fabric line.  Yay--I used something from my stash!  I was uninspired by the project I originally had set this fabric aside for, and when the opportunity to test Northbound came up, every single piece of fabric I needed was the exact amount I'd set aside.  It was meant to be!  I quilted this one with Ginger Snap and machine bound it.

And now for the garden and cooking updates.

Pears finally went on sale, so I had my husband get some when he went grocery shopping.  Canned pears are my favorite.  I actually prefer canned over fresh.  Anyway, I had enough for six pints with a few leftovers I ate for lunch the day I canned.

You might notice the jar on the left looks funny.  I dropped it when taking it out of the water bath.  Amazingly, the jar did not break, but it bend the ring and the lid, which then unsealed.  So we ate that jar of pears for dinner and I have five for the pantry. 

The monarch chrysalises are still there.  I think we have found around 10 now.  Three have hatched, one was eaten by worms and did not survive, one has been black for a week now so we think it won't survive, a few have a few black spots on them, and the rest are shades of green.  We've also had two caterpillars assume the position and then shrivel up and die.  

I replanted peas and lettuce.  I think the chipmunks have eaten all my peas, because they had sprouted and now there is only one plant left.  And I saw chipmunks running through that bed.  Most of the lettuce is coming up.  I hope it survives the chipmunks.  My compost tomato plant still has some fruit on it, but it has been cold at night and they are not progressing.  I might have to pick them and ripen them on the counter.

I'm trying to block out all the depressing national and local news.  We don't have network channels anymore, so while I miss Jeopardy immensely, I am happy to avoid all the political ads.  I often wonder if those ads actually persuade anyone.  Things are just so ugly in the world right now.  

I was devastated by the loss of Ruth Bader Ginsburg.  What a champion of equal rights she was.  Let's take a moment to honor her memory.

Linking with Longarm Learning at Rebecca Grace Quilting, My Quilt Infatuation, and For the love of geese.

Need quilting?  Visit my quilting business website www.quiltingbyanne-marie.com to book.


  1. I see that you are quilting up a storm with your new computer assisted longarm! Are you enjoying the new computer system? Fantastic quilts!

  2. Thank you for sharing so many quilting motifs, and naming them. I have one that I've recently purchased, but not tried out, and it was beautifully done on the Water Drop quilt. Now I need to scout something out to try it on myself.

  3. GOSH, you've been busy! The Raindrops on Water and Gingersnaps pantos are two of my favorites and they both look great with the tops you quilted them on. The dragonflies quilting is perfect for your customer's quilt, too.

  4. Congrats on getting so much accomplished. I am in love with Waterdrops and Lucky Charms, and the dragonfly quilting and the raindrops on water. Thank you for linking up to Put your foot down.
