September One Monthly Goal

September already; wow! It's time to set a new goal.

New to One Monthly Goal?  Welcome!  To join, share a photo of your project plus some words about what you want to accomplish in a blog post or Instagram post and add that photo to the link up.  Return at the end of the month and share your results.  (Results link up opens for the last 7 days of the month.)

This year I am choosing goals from my PHD list for OMG. I like to work smarter, not harder (though I will freely admit that many things I do don't work out that way).

I'm down to just a few remaining projects: Batesville quilt, RSC, and a clothing item. I also have a few 2024 starts that aren't complete: Tessellations quilt and Bedford Tiles. I am not actually planning to finish the Tessellations quilt right now because I don't have enough fabrics that coordinate to make a quilt of a usable size. So I have four things to pick from. 

This month I will try to sew my RSC blocks into a top. I'm planning to sew a thin sashing between all the blocks and then add a very thin border around the whole thing so that my points don't get chopped off during binding. I don't know about you, but assembling blocks into a top is probably my least favorite part of making a quilt. 

I found a bunch of long strips my white scrap bin that look like I seriously over-cut the borders on a previous project. I'll be using those for all of the inner sashing. 

I don't think there's enough to get the outside borders, so that part is undecided right now. I'll be happy to have this off the design wall.

Now it's your turn to link up. The link up will remain open through September 7.

The One Monthly Goal accomplishment link up will be available on September 24.  Make sure you add a link to this OMG post so others can find the OMG link up from your blog--just paste this link into your post:  

Stories from the Sewing Room One Monthly Goal September Link Up

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1 comment

  1. I'm not as fond of sewing blocks together as I am of making the blocks, either. Your stars look fantastic and that skinny outer border for points preservation insurance is an excellent idea.
