I've also been very occasionally working on this tiny little cross stitch. It is from a Bucilla kit--one of those that comes with everything including the frame. It looks like it would be an easy thing to stitch, but I'm finding I have to take a good bit of care because the colors are all very similar. I'm also going to be short thread because it called for using two strands and I've been using three. I really prefer the look of three threads on Aida with a lower count. In case you couldn't tell, this will be a horse head and it's in a 4" hoop. It's been hanging around probably 5-8 years. Cuz, you know, that's the way I work!
We've picked out a 12" x 8" or so section on the R2-D2 quilt. I think that's enough to go back and straighten out the ruffly edge. The needle has left a perforation pattern that I think I can follow from the front of the machine to stitch everything back into place. I hope this works.
We've had a good bit of rain lately and everything is greening up nicely. The redbuds are really pretty. Some of the trees are leafing out. All of our ornamental and fruit trees have leaves. I say this like there's so many, but all totaled, there are five that we've planted!
My weight loss plan is going well. In 25 days I've lost eight pounds! I'm not denying myself any food category, just working to keep the portion size and calories in check and making better snack choices. I've given myself a 1900 calorie allotment each day and am tracking it in the My Fitness Pal app. I've only been "hangry" a few times....
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