Baby Steps and Glorious Spring

I've been really busy with quilts for weeks.  Here are the two most recent, made by Ann, in progress:

My OMG for the month is not looking good, but I still have a week to pull off a minor miracle.  My goal is to finish all of the individual border units.  The right units are totally done.  The left is not even close--12 more units to go.

It took me like four hours yesterday to make four units. Maybe this picture explains how my day was going.  Can you relate?

Lots of time spent with the seam ripper.  Not sure where my head was, other than being really sad at and struggling with many of the recent news stories.  How many more people have to die?  

I'm happy that it's spring and my daffodils are blooming.  Please enjoy a few pictures.

My daughter took this next one.

And here she is, in action:

Can you see the blurry sign in the background of this one?

It's been just over a year since our solar power has been up and running. For the last year, we have been able to generate more power than we use, so we only pay the meter hook up fee to the power company.  That rate was $9.64/month last year at this time and is currently $11.44.  Many of my neighbors who comment on our solar believe that we are totally self-reliant now.  We are not; we do not have a battery back-up ($$$) to store our power. If the power goes out, we have no power, just like everyone else.  We do bank our production and will earn SRECs (Solar Renewable Energy Credit) this year, which should cover our meter fees for the year.

We are in the process of purchasing the lot next to ours.  I've wanted to buy it for years, especially because, in my opinion, the only buildable spot on the lot runs right along our driveway (and on the side of the house where our bedroom is).  Property in our neighborhood has been hot over the past year and we'd noticed a lot of vehicles hovering around the lot. We put in our purchase agreement and the paperwork process is moving along. The closing is scheduled. The other day while I was quilting in the basement, my daughter texted me a photo of vehicles parked on the edge of the lot and people walking on the property.  So I went out and asked if I could help them.  They were plotting out where their house and garage would go...right along my driveway!!! Good thing we got our offer in when we did!  My husband may never get to retire, but at least we won't have a house right on top of us.  He's planning to build a second garage/workshop and we're going to plant fruit trees.  

Had my first vaccine shot Friday.  Other than feeling groggy part of Friday, I've had no side effects.  I even got new shoes while I was waiting my 15 minutes.  My daughter will be eligible in a week, so I'm hoping we can get her scheduled quickly and then 3/4 of us will be protected.  Can't wait to make that 4/4. Since our governor decided masks will no longer be mandatory, and compliance was already iffy, we will still be staying home and away from stores, restaurants, and such.  Please have care and concern for your fellow citizens.  As my mom always said, "Look beyond the end of your nose."

Hopefully I haven't been too much of a downer.  It has taken me ages to write this and I have deleted and started over so many times.  Quilting is good, garden is good, everything beyond my little piece of the world, not so much for me right now.

Linking with My Quilt Infatuation.


  1. You keep so busy with your machine quilting! The flowers are so cheery and pretty. Starting to see lots around here, too. We looked into solar energy a few months ago but chose not to...for now. Just keeping an eye on the technology...

  2. Nice that you got the lot close next door. Your quilting looks great. I'm always glad when the daffodils come up!

  3. Your quilts are beautiful, both of your client's projects as well as your FPP project that is coming along slowly but oh-so-surely. Even if you only get a few units pieced each day, they accumulate! Gorgeous daffodils, and congratulations on scoring that lot next door! My FIL did the same thing in FL, purchasing the lot adjacent to his because his driveway was right along the property line and he wanted to ensure neighbors would be kept at arm's length.
