Bias Tape

Over the weekend I made some bias binding tape. I haven't done that in years! I decided to cut strips at a 45 degree angle instead of trying to do a continuous strip. I tried to take photos to document the process. This one doesn't quite show what I thought it would. Oh well. I promise, it's a bias cut.

I sewed all the strips together like you would to create a quilt binding. Then I ran it through the bias tape maker I bought last week. 

I thought I'd just align it with the edges of the sweatshirt jacket and sew it on in one step, but then I couldn't figure out how to do the mitered corners. YouTube told me I need to open it all the way out and stitch it down the fold. 

Once that was done, I folded it over and stitched it down just like I would have on a quilt binding. It's probably not the most attractive thing ever, but the jacket is now done. It only took 13 - 14 years! 

Here is my daughter wearing the jacket. The bits sticking up at the collar are actually the neckline of the shirt she has on underneath.

In case you missed this project's origin story, this jacket was meant to be a gift for my mom back when I still lived in Maryland, somewhere between 12-14 years ago. Basically you buy a sweatshirt, remove the neckline and cuffs, deconstruct the seams, cut it up the front, and sew strips of fabric to it. Then you reconstruct the seams. What I didn't plan on was how much shrinkage there would be after sewing on the strips. So then it was too small. I set it aside for many, many years. My daughter tried it on one day and it fit, other than the sleeves being way too long. It's been sitting here for close to a year waiting for the bias binding. 

I shared my PHD report for April last week with a big zero for April completions, but this project was on my list and I did actually finish it in April! So here is my updated report as of the end of April.

I also quilted my Log Cabin Stars quilt. I used the Perm design from Longarm League. It took forever! LOL  In hindsight, I would have increased the row size a bit more to use every available inch of my throat space. I think I had it set to a row height of 14.3" and I could probably have gone up an inch or so and still had room to align with each pass, plus account for any loss of space due to the finished quilt accumulating on the back roller.

My quilt was 63" x 73.5" prior to quilting and it ended up at 62.25" x 72.375" after quilting and trimming. I was surprised it lost that much length. I knew it was losing width because of where the stitching was ending up after I clipped each design row. Look at all that texture, though! I think it was worth it!

You'd never know that I used a Frankenbatting with three seams in this one. I'll be working on the binding in the evenings and hopefully another finish is imminent.

I've quilted only a few quilts this week in comparison to last. First up is Cheri's amazing little ticker tape quilt, quilted with Rich Girl. This was so fun to look at with all the little colors and patterns.

She came over on Saturday and I showed her how to trim and square her quilt. On Sunday, with the help of my son, I did a photo tutorial on how to trim and square quilts that I published on my quilting business website's blog yesterday.

I also quilted Charlene's quilts. She selected Ariana for this one.

And Champagne Bubbles for this one.

Briar Rose was the choice for the last one.

I've been making some effort to work on clearing dead stuff, weeds, and spearmint from the gardens by doing a little bit most evenings. We noticed that we had a bunch of emerging seeds sprouting where the chicken coop used to be. Our Picture This app told us it is zucchini. We don't remember feeding them any zucchini seeds, but we did throw a few yucky zucchini from the garden into the compost pile last year. We also found a plant coming up in the upper front flower garden, where the chickens most definitely have never been. It's looking quite healthy right now. We'll see how it does... All the little seedlings surrounding it are baby lamb's ear, which I've been trying to remove since it's practically invasive here.

So many things are already blooming. It seems early for some. We had our first hummingbirds (that we saw, at least) last week Friday. No orioles yet. I saw one rose-breasted grosbeak very briefly about two weeks ago, but haven't seen any others. 

Here are a few things blooming right now. This first picture shows allium (on time) and one of our clematis. Both the clems in the front are loaded with buds. The roses are also budded and starting to bloom.

Iris Immortality.
Iris Batik.
No sign of my favorite Crater Lake Blue iris yet. 

I remembered to grab a picture of my sewing room flamingo mascot that my friend Annie gave me. It's so ridiculously kitschy; I just love it!

One last thing before I go. I took Alderwood Studio's Pattern Writing Academy this spring, mostly because I wanted to learn some new software. I didn't finish writing a pattern, but seeing others' creations reinforced my preference for the editing rather than the designing. I have pattern tested for several quilters and many doll clothing designers in the past and I think what I was really doing all along was more technical editing that just straight pattern testing. {That probably explains some of the less-than-enthusiastic responses I'd get when I'd suggest more involved edits.} I then purchased and watched the Quilt Pattern Technical Editing 101 webinar hosted by Yvonne at Quilting Jet Girl and Sarah from Saroy and I was convinced.

All this to say that I have added a new service to my Quilting by Anne-Marie LLC business. I am now offering quilt pattern technical editing services at a competitive introductory rate. If you know any pattern designers who are in need of technical editing, I would love the referral. 

Happy quilting, and I'll see you next Wednesday.

Linking with My Quilt Infatuation, A Quiltery, and Alycia Quilts.


  1. Still awaiting our pair of orioles here but I do think I've heard the male over these last 3 days--just haven't seen him yet. Keeping a fresh orange half out there for them.
    Congrats on adding pattern editing in! No idea if I'll ever actually do it but I've always thought it would be fun to try creating a few patterns so I will def keep you in mind!

  2. Yeah for an April finish! And for time in the garden. You have so many plants that I miss being able to grow from when we lived in Pennsylvania.

  3. Beautiful finishes! The texture on the log cabin star is amazing. And I love your sewing room mascot!

  4. I love it. Thank you for linking up to Put your foot down.

  5. Your daughter looks great in that jacket!! the colors are so pretty!

  6. Congratulations on your progress! Thanks for linking up with PHD in 2024.
