Pink RSC

This month's color assigned by So Scrappy is pink. Trying to plan ahead strategically with the amount of blocks I want to have and the scrap basket colors/amounts I have left, I decided to make four blocks instead of my usual two. I made light and dark blocks.

I have a total of 12 blocks sewn. I want to have 20 when I'm finished--I prefer oblong quilts over square quilts. 

I spent some time over the weekend working on my dress form. I'm not done yet, but I have until late Friday night to get it finished. I'll write about it more on the OMG link up post on Saturday, but I can say that I think my choice of fabric was a mistake. I used an upholstery fabric that seemed like the right texture. Despite fusing Shape Flex to the back of all the fabric prior to cutting, the upholstery fabric is unraveling at an alarming rate. It's making a giant mess! Also, although I'm pressing the seams open as directed and with a very hot iron, they are not staying open. Proof I am sewing. ⤵️

I've quilted just a few more quilts this week. Life has interrupted many times. 

The first one belongs to Penny. It's quilted with Diagonal Plaid Bias.

the next one is also Penny's. It's quilted with Sunshine Shells. 

Then I quilted Patricia's with a hand-guided loopy meander. This quilt is pieced front and back.

I started Toni's quilt yesterday, but don't have a picture yet. I'll finish it up today and then put the picture in next week's post. 

I also want to share the cutest little thing that Maria brought me when she picked up her quilts. She was visiting the Texas Quilt Museum and saw these little hens. She said a woman who's 85 years old makes them and donates the proceeds to the museum. Isn't it just darling? I should have put a ruler in the picture for scale. It's just over 1.5" from from to back! I hope I can sew that well when I'm 85.

Out in the gardens, everything needs to be weeded. The vegetables are growing, but I'm not sure at this point that I'll get any peas. The lettuce is struggling. Our volunteer zucchinis are looking awesome and already have buds forming.

I'll see you back here on Saturday, hopefully with a finished dress form, for the OMG finish link up. Then next week Wednesday I'll share my PHD progress. 


  1. Beautiful blocks, Anne-Marie! I like how you shaded them dark to light. Great panto choices. That chick--just 1 1/2"?!! Fun!

  2. The crumb center square for the star blocks vs. the striped star points give a great scrappy feel.

  3. Your pink blocks are so pretty!

  4. The RSC pink blocks look terrific. The little hen is ADORABLE! It is truly tiny! Good job getting those quilts finished this week among the RSC blocks and all that daily life entails. Hope you're having a good Memorial Day weekend!

  5. Love your crumb star blocks, so pretty! Adorable little hen, so cute!

  6. Your pink crumb stars are awesome - this is going to be a fun and amazing quilt!
